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Building Community Through Food

Writer's picture: The Credible MohawkThe Credible Mohawk

On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, we met with the Tyendinaga Mohawk Elected Council regarding the One Dish Project (formerly Kenhtè:ke food Sovereignty Project). One of the first points discussed was that the project will operate under the Kayanere’kowa and Kahswentha (Two Row Wampum) without outside influence; this means no outside government will influence how we think or make decisions during this project. It was also emphasized that we will not influence the way they make their decisions either. We are only looking to work together for the progress of the community.

We explained that the trade routes would be established again between the Mi'kma'ki and Anishinaabe for seafood and wild rice, and food would be provided to the people; as well as some details about how the farming process will work. It was an excellent discussion, and everyone present was excited about the future of the project. We will be meeting with a representative from the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte soon to discuss next steps.

This not only means the implementation of the community gardens and greenhouses, but other food sovereignty work among the community as well. The only thing we asked of the Council was a place to grow and work together for the community under the treaties. Nothing financial. We still need your support through donations, or by purchasing tickets to Paranormal Investigation Tours, or coffee and tea from Two Row Coffee & Tea Company.

The garden boxes will be able to meet the needs of elders and some others while we continue to build the project. The cost of everything is going up, the cost of eating shouldn't; especially our traditional and Indigenous foods. The greenhouse is up and ready to have boxes installed and soil put in. We also need to build a small production area with electricity, so we can produce food for the community all year round. Contribute on our project page today!

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