For the past 370 years, colonial policing has been present on stolen lands, known as “canada”. Although they have been present under the guise of being here to “protect & serve”, Indigenous people know this is not the case.
We have been subjected to consistent attacks, forcible confinement, and violent oppression at the hands of colonial police forces. Things have not changed.
Many have seen, what appears to be, an escalation of violent attacks by entities such as the police and/or military. “Appears to be” is the key phrase though. From coast-to-coast, we still have always witnessed the colonial state’s reaction to Indigenous resistance and existence. Wet’suwet’en & Secwepemc people are STILL heavily monitored by the rcmp. The rcmp stood by and allowed for violence to occur in Mi’kma’ki (at the hands of non-Indigenous fishermen). Haudenosaunee peoples currently face the threat of attack by the Ontario Provincial police.
In the past we have seen the Kahnasatake Resistance (Oka), Ipperwash, Burnt Church, Gustafson Lake, Kahnastaton, Elsipogtog, and many more. We have witnessed the violence enacted at the hands of the state, and how far they are willing to go to suppress and oppress Indigenous peoples.
We can not sit by in silence, and choose to ignore the facts... the Canadian government does not give a fuck about Indigenous peoples. If they did, all nations would be able to have clean water - versus the overpolicing & violent tactics used on Indigenous peoples... people who just want our basic rights, as sovereign peoples, protected.
We aren’t asking for a lot, just to ensure that these acts of violence do not go unnoticed, and are not forgotten.
We must stand together, and together we will be stronger. #StrongerTogether #IndigenousSolidarity #IndigenousResistance
Delee Nikal
Instagram @wetsuwetencheckpoint